PageMaker: Designing a brochure

Steps to create a brochure.

1)Draw the layout

Open PageMaker, in File menu select New and setup a document of page size A4 with Orientation: wide, margins: 0.5mm and target output resolution:300 dpi.

step 2

Now at the left bottom of your PageMaker window you can see L R and 1, it indicates the page-views, means, you setup double-sided page so you you need to design and explore all pages by clicking L you can go to the one side an R get you to the other side on clicking 1 you can get to the R side of the page. Now select R and divide page in equal size using rectangle tool. In design the size of rectangle is 145mm x 207mm (WxH). See image below

1-> 145mm x 207mm (WxH)
1-> 145mm x 207mm (WxH).
This division allows to make the brochure fold(one fold)

step 3

Now start designing see the below image:
There are 7 shapes, among them 1,2,3,4 and 6 is rectangle and 5 and 7 is oval shape. Now give the necessary colors to each of them

step 4

Now add the matters. See the image below:
there are six text boxes used to enter matter.

step 5

Now click the L on page-view button specified in step 2. And make the arrangements as shown in the image below:
This page is also divided into two with dimension 145mm x 207mm (WxH). But only one side has the design . Use this side as the outside view page.

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