PageMaker: Making simple visiting card step-by-step

In this post you will learn how to create simple visiting card using Adobe PageMaker 7.0. Below is the image of a simple visiting card you are going to try.
First, open the PageMaker application. Close the Templates window, which opens initially on startup of PageMaker, Now click on File menu and select New . A Document setup window opens,make the fields of Document Setup as seen in the image below and click OK
Now select rectangle box tool from Tool box and draw a rectangle.
Give the dimension(Height and Width)2.0inch and 3.5 inch (50.8mm and 88.9mm)respectively in Control palette and press Enter key. See image below
Now enter the matter(or information). Select Text tool from tool box and click and drag on rectangle, just created, to create text module. Now you can see the cursor, start typing:
Next, two lines are drawn using constrained line tool. See figure below:
Now enter another text, for example persons Mobile number. Click and drag another text box and type the text.
Select this text. Now you can see that in Control palette the option are all related word editing. You can use this to change the font face, text size, text color, letter case etc of the selected text. See figure below:
You have typed person's name and Mobile number. Now you can type the address and wishing text as seen in the reference image above. So there are four text box module for name, mobile number, address and wishing. Now using pointer tool you can position each module as shown in reference image.
To change normal line to dotted, as shown in reference image above, follow the below figure:
Select the line using pointer tool and click the Element menu, then select Stroke item and select the desired stroke.
For changing the background color click on border of the rectangle box using pointer tool, then in Color palette click to select the desired color. See figure below:
Now, use pointer tool, click and drag to select the whole rectangle and select Element menu then Group to select all the items including recatngle. This will make your publication a single object. Follow the figure:
For final part, using pointer tool select the grouped object, select the Edit Menu then select copy then again from Edit menu select Paste.
You can do the above step using keyboard. Select the object using pointer tool and use Ctrl+c to copy and Ctrl+v to paste.
Using pointer tool drag the copied object into another location on document(A4 document). In Document setup, the first step, we created A4 sized document. So you can create the many number of visiting card by just copy, past and positioning you will get the following:
On printing there would be ten copies of the visiting cards . Use Zoom in/out tool from toolbox to zoom in and out. Click to get the basics of PageMaker


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