Data Processing

Data Processing(DP) is specified as the conversion of raw data( or unprocessed data) into a meaningful result(processed knowledge) known as information. In order to produce the meaningful information(output) the data(input) must be collected and organized and some operation or processing must be applied on it.

Generally, a DP is combination of machine, people and process that for set of inputs produces a defined set of output , which is also is called DP-System. This System involves the functions- conversion, validation, sorting, aggregation,analysis and reporting.

Depending on the methods and technology DP can be categorized into 3 type or levels:
  • Manual DP
  • Machine DP
  • Electronic DP
Manual Data Processing
Data Processing without any mechanical or technical device, all done manually. Requires human to manage input and process data to get the output. This method extensively include the use of non-technological tools such as paper,pen,physical files. It involve full human attention, more time,chances of errors. This type of DP technique is very obsolete nowadays
Mechanical Data Processing
This method involves the use of mechanical devices in processing of data. This system involves interaction of both human and machine. But requires low human interactions comparing to the above DP(manual DP). Helps to process more complex data which are error prone in manual DP. Obviously, this processing require less human interaction, fast and accurate comparing to Manual DP . But this system have some drawbacks, like as the complexity increases there is chance of error and also the complexity of the machine increase. Requires maintenance and services. This type of system have lot of mechanical parts, required large space to put the machine
Electronic Data Processing
This is the most widespread DP technique. This system is the combination human, machine and electronics. This automated process largely uses the electronic device called 'computer'( which is controlled by human). This is also known as computerized DP. This method of DP is very fast, less error, much accurate, reliable and easily up-gradable.

"Rather using mechanical devices this DP uses electronic devices and programs for processing data."

Data Processing can be considered as the subset of information processing. On the basis of process, DP can be of different types: Batch processing, Real-time processing, online processing, multi processing and time sharing. DP is largely used in commercial application and data analysis( science, engineer) application.
Data Processing Cycle

Data Processing is the term for the process, producing meaningful information by collecting all items of data together and performing operations on them to extract the required information from them.

A DP involves three main entities, input, process, output. A valid data after a process gives the accurate information. For this DP follows stages below:

  • Collection(Origin) of Data
  • Preperation
  • Input
  • Process
  • Output
  • Storage

Data are obtained and gathered from the source. Data must be valid and definitive. This stage involves careful action in collecting and gathering the data in order to get the valid output. In decision making system this step is very crucial.
Data are made ready for future use. They include classification, coding,rearranging and editing of the raw data. The data collected could be from various sources and it must be analyzed for processing and getting valid and accurate output.
Prepared data are passed to the person or to the device responsible for processing data. Data is encoded and verified for inputting. In EDP input is carried out by using various input devices(Keyboard, scanner)
After inputting, the prepared data is processed. In this stage data is subjected to various actions sorting,calculating, updating. Usually a set of instructions are followed here. In EDP it would be software which process large and complicated data very fast and accurately.
In this stage the result(information) is ready to be produced. This stage the data is decoded ,interpreted and presented to the user. The output is presented to user in various format like audio video, printed format. EDP uses various output devices to perform this stage
This is the last stage in data processing cycle. After the process stage the processed data are not necessary to be used immediately, it is stored for future purpose. It is a turnaround document(data). The processed information can again used as input which will be more useful for future decisions.
EDP (Electronic Data Processing)

EDP is the term largely related to the Management Information System(MIS). This is a collection automated method for processing data by electronic device, computer. EDP is also referred as Computerized Data Processing. This automated process is largely used for processing commercial data and involves simple,repetitive actions to process large volumes of data. In EDP Information are managed,processed and retrieved using electronic devices which eliminate the delays occurred in traditional Data Processing. The advantage of EDP is the speed, accuracy, efficiency, economic, reduced cost and labor, productivity and quality of work.

EDP is used ,largely,in management systems, involves the use of digital systems. Desktop,Tablets,laptop dedicated input devices or terminals involved in inputting data, Server to store and access information, network equipment to connect systems and data/information transmission, Projector, printer or any other terminal devices for output. An example of EDP can be modern age warehouse stock monitoring and logistics.

Considering the EDP cycle, it involves, basically, input,process,output. Input can be done by system using the input terminals or dedicated devices. Processing is automated, involve the translation, ordering and encryption which are done by software packages . And output is delivered through dedicated output devices. Sometime the processed data is stored in dedicated systems for future needs (For example Server, database systems).

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