Data Processing

Data Processing(DP) is specified as the conversion of raw data( or unprocessed data) into a meaningful result(processed knowledge) known as information. In order to produce the meaningful information(output) the data(input) must be collected and organized and some operation or processing must be applied on it.

Generally, a DP is combination of machine, people and process that for set of inputs produces a defined set of output , which is also is called DP-System. This System involves the functions- conversion, validation, sorting, aggregation,analysis and reporting.

Depending on the methods and technology DP can be categorized into 3 type or levels:
  • Manual DP
  • Machine DP
  • Electronic DP

Interesting Android

Google's Android Operating System is the major platform for almost every smartphone. It is said that 9 out of 10 smartphone shipped are runs on Android. Open source, customization, unlimited and unrestricted availability of applications makes Android OS favorite for manufacturers,developers and user.

For Android OS, each version has given a specific name( usually names of dessert items), ordered alphabetically. After Android 1.0 and 1.2 which doesn't have any name Google released the revised version of last OS as Android 1.5 with code name Cupcake.[Read full list of Android version]. Current versions are Marshmallow(Android 6.0)and Nougat(Android 7.0).

Point is that, everything from the naming to usage, Android phone has something interesting for its user.Here is one. Android Operating Systems such as Lollipop(Android 5.0), Marshmallow comes with a game which is hidden from the user. But, you can have the game by