Apache Cordova Installation

Apache Cordova is a set of device APIs that allow a mobile app developer to access native device function such as the camera or accelerometer from JavaScript. Combined with a UI framework such as jQuery Mobile or Dojo Mobile or Sencha Touch, this allows a smartphone app to be developed with just HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
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By using Apache Cordova APIs an app can be built without any native codes such Java or Objcetive-C etc. Cordova combines HTML,CSS3 and JavaScript to create the application package which same as the package developed using native code. The app developed can be published any respective market places
To develop the application usind Cordova requirs node.js platform download it from https://nodejs.org/ and install it. To test the installation use
node -v
in bash shell
node --version
in Windows Command line
Next Install a Git download it from http://git-scm.com/. It is used by Cordova in background. Install Cordova using npm(node package manager) utility of Node.js. Use the following command on Terminal
sudo npm install -g cordova
in Windows use
npm install -g cordova
To test Cordova type :
cordova -v
in terminal or
cordova --version
in Command Line Now add target platform. Android SDK for Android app and Xcode for iOS app. For Xcode, there are two ways :
  • goto Apple Develper Downloads:AppleDownloader which requires registration as an Apple Developer. 
When Installation compelete, prepare Xcode for Cordova .Follow these: From the Xcode menu, select Preferences->Downloads tab. From the Components panel, press the Install button next to the Command Line Tools listing.iOS PLATFORM GUID

Inputting values in Java

Java uses Streams to perform I/O. Java I/O system links the streams to physical devices.For any I/O devices the bhaviour of stream is same. This means that the programmer does not need to specify difference between keyboard and monitor in coding . Java defines two types of streams.
  • Byte streams
  • Character streams
Byte streams provide a convenient way to handle input or output of bytes, that is, when reading or writing binary data. In Java, Byte stream are defined using two classes InputStream and OutputStream. The two most important methods that are, defined by this class, used for reading and writing of byte are :read() and write().
Character streams provide a convenient way to handle input or output of characters. In Java, Character stream are defined using two classes: Reader and Writer. These classes handle

Bytecode and JVM

Java is a most popular programming language. It follows Object Oriented Programming paradigm. The one of the reason for its popularity is Internet.Internet is a networks of networks connected together, which contains machines of different kind which have different architecture, different platforms. And above all Internet where its most terrific draw back is it security problem. In order to overcome all of the above versatile condition needed programming language whose programs should be portable, architectural and platform independent, and secured from attacks.
As it states that Java is compiled and interpreted language. The compiled code(program)

A little windowing

This post is gives you some knowledge about graphic mode programming, mainly about window programming, and its aspects. The programs used for graphic mode is  not like normal programs written for character mode. It has lot of function calls and callbacks. Today computer programming(GUI) is very easy. Programer don't need to worry about the internal working of the interfaces(such as window, control windows etc). But in reality these interface(A dialog box, a window) on display performs in a very interesting way. The programming paradigm for GUI based application are called event-driven programming
A computer programs can be in two mode :
  • Character-mode
  • Graphic-mode
In character mode computing, provides only minimal interface for the user. To